All Muzings
December Newsletter 1

I Made An App -- Rachel's December Newsletter

byRachel Efron
onDecember 19, 2024


It's been a great year of producing albums, writing songs, and coaching songwriters.

And there's something else that's been going on.

I've alluded to this "something else" numerous times. You could almost say I've teased it. But it's been a teasing so unfocused, so opaque, that I doubt you even noticed. 

Well, it's the moment you didn't know to wait for!

I made an.... APP!!

Um, what? 

That's right, for the past TWO years, alongside (and underneath and on top of and between and through) my music, I have been making an APP.


Backing up...

You know I'm obsessed with creativity.

Creativity is top-shelf human experience: It's communion with yourself. It's your irreplicable voice. It's alchemizing the ether into the tangible. It's the history of beauty. It's giving the world what only you can give. It's spiritual practice. It's intimacy with others.

It's my favorite part of everyone. 

I love being creative. I love helping other people be creative.


Muzi is this... My love song to the creativity in all of us.

It's a PERSONALIZED GUIDE to help you explore, develop, and expand your creativity.

It's the work I do with songwriters -- the attuning, the coaxing, the supporting, the challenging, the celebrating -- in your pocket. A creativity coach available at all hours, and at every step of your singular creative journey. 

What I love most about Muzi is that it's not ME. I mean it is me. If ever there was an extension of my mind. But it's not me in the sense of being a book of my experiences. Rather it's YOU. It helps you discover YOU, so you can finally give your creativity everything it needs to thrive. 

I'll say more about it in the months to come, but know this: We're releasing it in January!

And it will contain specific tools to help you vision the most creative year of your life.

For now, the action items are just this:

LET ME KNOW if you want to receive MUZINGS -- the Muzi Newsletter wherein I will offer creativity thoughts, approaches, and exercises.

BE THE FIRST to follow our BRAND NEW INSTAGRAM ACCOUNT -- wherein I will offer content on all nature of creativity experience -- profound to absurd, serious to deadly playful.

I am truly so excited to share this with you.

All my love,


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